In a series of illustrations for Mighty Pursuit, a nonprofit / resource aiming to recommunicate the way of Jesus to the modern world, I was tasked with conveying the countercultural way Jesus challenged his followers to live. Each illustration thoughtfully depicts a core tenet of Jesus, from sacrificial love to redemptive justice. The humans in these illustrations were intended to look realistic, but vague enough that we could all see ourselves in them. I wove in symbolic (yet not overt) imagery highlighting each of these ideas. Love emerging from a pierced wound. The cross breaking chains. A cosmic rest that transcends time. Time of day is important in these shots, as they are featured at the cusp of sunrise to signal the brimming hope a new day brings.


“Sacrificial Love”

“Authentic Connection”

“Redemptive Justice”

“Restorative Rest”

“Unshakable Hope”

“Objective Truth”

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