An artist's home is a sacred place. Though pop singer Ethan Dufault's music evokes a bright, popstar feel, his roots run deep in the most unlikely place: a farm town in Eastern Washington. At first glance, the origin story may not seem to add up. How did this rising star who seemingly belongs on a trendy LA stage emerge from arid wheatfields and badlands? Dufault's raw emotion shines through. Clothed in unassuming flannel shirts and layered jackets, we see a man who clearly values who he truly is over who the world wants him to be. The goal was to photograph the raw emotion of drinking deeply from one's homeland and returning to the place where life was simpler. I captured Ethan's pensive, thoughtful expressions, so that despite the variety and intrigue of the landscape, the focal point remained the deep progression of Ethan's journey.