In highlighting six major detriments to our mental health, each subject is scaled and placed into a looming backdrop filled with some kind of opporessive effect, from environmental toxicity to genetic makeup. Though realistic in figure, each drawing pictures an exaggerated outward reality of the "felt effect" of each contributor. Because much of mental health is concealed from the naked eye, these drawings bring a tangible sense of felt pain and legitimize each person's personal struggle. For some, circumstances quite literally shatter their makeup and leave them fragmented. For others, a seemingly uncontrollable sense of unraveling occurs due to one's DNA composition. Regardless of cirucmstances, each concept was carefully thought through to accentuate what each burden would look like represented physically.
ENVIRONMENTAL effects on Mental Health
CIRCUMSTANCIAL effects on Mental Health
GENETIC effects on Mental Health
DIGITAL effects on Mental Health
EXISTENTIAL effects on Mental Health
HIDDEN effects on Mental Health